Miss Thanksgiving Dinner? You May Have To This Year

santa ana bail bonds

Snow season and the holidays are coming up, which means it is once again time to start planning winter vacations to the mountains or to see the family. If you have a loved one in the travel group who is out on bail, or if that person is you, you need to make sure to plan travel arrangements very carefully. We at Santa Ana Bail Bonds want you to enjoy the snow and spend time with family members you do not get to see very often, but we also want to make sure you will not break any of your release terms and conditions.

For everyone, the most important conditions to meet are showing up for all court dates and not getting into legal trouble again. Some defendants may have additional conditions, such as curfews, restraining orders, appointments for treatment programs, or even travel restrictions. No matter what restrictions you may have, you must prioritize your court appearances. The judge will not reschedule your appointment so you can fly across the country for Thanksgiving. If you miss court, you will be taken back into custody. So, it is better you plan around your court schedule.

As mentioned, we at Santa Ana Bail Bonds want you to have the smoothest bail process as possible. Family and friends will understand that you have other important matters to attend to. They will not be ma and instead, will offer support. The more cooperative you are, the sooner this will all end.

Questions? Please contact your Santa Ana Bail Bonds bail agent. We can be reached 24/7 both online, and at 714-834-9030.