Santa Ana Bail Bonds

Finding out that a friend or family member, someone you care about, has been arrested can stir up a lot of questions. What happened, can I help, how do I help, how much does it cost to bail out my friend? All of these thoughts and more can rush through your mind at once. If you go to the wrong bail agent, they can make it worse. Some bad bail bonds companies like it when their clients are confused, but that is not the case at Santa Ana Bail Bonds. We like to take care of our clients and answer all of their questions.

  • How much does a bail bond cost?
  • Pricing is dependent on the amount of the bail. In California, bail bonds companies charge 10% of the bail price. If your loved one’s bail is $10,000, then it will cost $1,000 to bail him out using a bail bonds company.
  • Do you offer discounts?
  • Yes. At Santa Ana Bail Bonds we can offer a 20% discount on the price of the bail bond if a co-signer is a member of the military, a member of AARP, is a homeowner, or if the client has a private attorney. With this discount, instead of paying $1,000 for the same bond, you only have to pay $800.
  • What’s a co-signer?
  • A co-signer is anyone who is willing to sign for your loved one’s release. A co-signer takes responsibility for their loved one and the payment of the bond.
  • With interest, how much do I have to pay?
  • At Santa Ana Bail Bonds we do not charge interest, you only have to pay the 10%.
  • How much do I have to put up front?
  • We like for the initial payment to be around 1% of the bail, so if the bail is $10,000 we would like the initial payment to be at least $100. Again, pricing varies from case to case and depends a lot on the people who are co-signing.

What happens if I don’t bail out my loved one?
Your loved one stays in jail until he is either found innocent and released or found guilty and sentenced. Until then, your loved one has to go to all court appearances in an orange jumpsuit, which does not look good to the court.

If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to call Santa Ana Bail Bonds at 714-834-9030.

Our helpful bail agents can answer all of your questions and help you rescue your loved one from jail. Do not wait another minute, call now.